A New Dental Experience: Our Updated Smartphone App and How to Get it

July 11, 2019

Meet Dental Select’s First Piece of New Technology Released to The Public.

We know that insurance can feel overwhelming, but it shouldn’t. That’s why we’ve fully redesigned the Dental Select smartphone app to be a simple way to use and manage your benefits. As your one-stop benefit management tool, downloading an ID card, or finding a dentist is made easy. And with convenient features like sending your ID card to your dentist, benefits are more accessible than ever before.  


Let’s be honest, no one likes lugging around a stack of cards, that’s why the sensibility of a digital ID card is a no brainer to declutter your wallet (trust us, your jeans will thank you). And with cool features, you’ll also be able to view dental and/or vision ID cards and email cards directly to your provider an or dependents on your plan. 


Other features include:  

  • Electronic ID Cards: The Most Convenient Way to Carry Your Benefits.  

Get access to everything you need, right on your mobile device. Dental Select’s Mobile App ensures that you always have your dental or vision insurance card when you need it most. Download the app by visiting the Apple Store or Google Play. 



  • Finding a Local Provider While on the Go. 

You can easily filter by distance, dentist name, network, or specialty. And once you are at your appointment, you can easily send your ID card, straight to your provider from the app. 


  • Quick Calls if You Need Us. 

Should you ever need to, you can easily call us. No more fumbling around on our website, our customer care phone number is really easy to find in the app.  


More Upgrades to Come 

Keep your eyes peeled for future functionality that just might knock your socks off. With convenient new features like device wallet compatibility, quick access to your plan information (like if you’ve met your deductible and max benefit usage), and push notifications for claims processing, your benefits will be more straightforward than ever before.  


Already Love Our Old App 

Great! However, be aware that members, even those who have already download the previous app, will need to download our new app and then register as a new user. This means you will need your Member ID, Last Name, Zip Code, and Email in order to do so. 



Ready to update? Click icons below to download our new app.